
Gabriella de Salvio

Gabriella de Salvio

Professional experience

Gabriella de Salvio has extensive knowledge in the regulatory field of telecommunications, broadcasting, and audiovisual, having worked in the renewal of concessions, defense of administrative proceedings, and public consultations with regulatory agencies, including the Brazilian auction of 5G radio frequencies.  

Throughout her career, she has also practiced in the areas of data protection and privacy, represented clients in several international arbitrations, and counseled businesses from many different industries on corporate and contractual matters. 

Before joining Souto Correa Advogados, she worked for over 20 years in large Brazilian companies, full-service Brazilian law firms, and in the Norton Rose Fulbright office in England. In addition to that, she worked for the Brazilian Mission to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Geneva and for the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague (the Netherlands). 



  • PhD in International and Integration Law from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), 2011;
  • Master of International Law and Economics from the University of Warwick (England), 1999;
  • Bachelor of Laws from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), 1995.



  • Privacidade e Proteção de Dados: evolução legislativa no Brasil [Privacy and Data Protection: Legislative Evolution in Brazil]. In: Proteção de Dados Pessoais no Brasil, Editora Forum, 2019; 
  • Regulação de Conteúdo no GATS: serviços de telecomunicações e audiovisuais frente à nova perspectiva tecnológica [Content Regulation in the GATS: telecommunications and audiovisual services facing the new technological perspective], Editora Appris, 2016 (book);
  • Os novos modelos de negócios da indústria do entretenimento e mecanismos de solução alternativa de controvérsias [The entertainment industry’s new business models and alternative dispute resolution mechanisms]. In: Arbitragem e Mediação em Propriedade Intelectual, Esportes e Entretenimento, Editora Appris, 2014;
  • Arbitragem para determinação do período razoável de tempo para implementação das decisões e recomendações do OSC (art. 21.3 do ESC) [Arbitration to determine the reasonable period of time for the implementation of OSC decisions and recommendations (art. 21.3 of the ESC)]. In: O Brasil e o Contencioso na OMC (Coord. Lima, Maria Lucia e Rosemberg, Barbara), Editora Saraiva, Tomo II, 2009, pp. 211-226;
  • Considerations on the Mercosur dispute settlement mechanism and the impact of its decisions in the WTO dispute resolution system, Journal of World Trade, Kluwer Law International, vol. 42, issue 6, dec. 2008; (coauthor).
  • Combate ao dumping ambiental e social no comércio internacional: uma real tentativa de proteção dos direitos fundamentais?” [Combating environmental and social dumping in international trade: a real attempt to protect fundamental rights?] Vox Juris. Revista Eletrônica Discente do Programa de Pós- Graduação strictu sensu em Direito da UGF ano 1, vol. 1, nº. 1, 2008, pp. 57-78;
  • A arbitragem na OMC: uma visão comparativa com a arbitragem como contraponto à Justiça estatal [Arbitration in the WTO: a comparative view with arbitration as a counterpoint to state justice]. Revista de Mediação e Arbitragem, (Coord. Prof. Arnold Wald) Editora RT, ano 4, v. 13, Apr/Jun 2007 (updated edition).



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